Yes, it was. I have the reply, and I would like to say something about it to this committee. I'll try not to be long—I also have something else. I'll do this in English. if you don't mind.
I got a reply, which I think has been distributed to all members in both official languages. Mr. Wouters tells the president that he can't give us any more information—only that there was a meeting of Treasury Board in which there were deliberations and decisions regarding submissions relating to the Ottawa light rail project. You remember, I asked a question he couldn't answer. I said, “Look, I don't want to know what was decided; I just want to know the dates of the meetings and who was present.” The letter that we have got back still does not give me that information.
I want to put it on the record that the answer from Mr. Wouters, dated April 17, is not satisfactory. I would like our research person to look into what information we can legally have regarding the meetings of cabinet. Then we can draft another letter and get a legal answer from Mr. Wouters regarding those meetings.