That's a very good question, sir. How can we see behind the curtain? I and certainly the two directors I've hired have had experience in sort of being behind the curtain, so we have some experience with how some of these numbers add up.
In terms of your reference to the Ontario situation, and just basically the public accounts themselves, we'll work with the Auditor General, just as we've worked in the past with the Auditor General and the Comptroller General's offices, to make sure that the public accounts of Canada are well represented. I think, for the most part, even in recent years with respect to our own public accounts, they've had a fairly clean audit. So we will work with the Auditor General in that kind of capacity.
In terms of the work that we will provide as a parliamentary budget office, which is more of a forward-looking capacity, when we look at the fiscal books, we will ask if the projections of budget balances are adequate. We will have expertise on our staff to look at how the economy will influence those fiscal projections. We'll have analysts in our shop who will understand the relationship between income and tax collections to see whether or not the elasticities make sense. And we will also have analysts in our shop, sir, who will be able to help provide you information on whether or not the fiscal plan that has been set out and the fiscal targets make sense, so that we have a good fiscal plan for the Government of Canada based on aging demographics and other factors.