That is a very broad question. It is obviously somewhat out of my lane, in terms of being responsible for military procurement and working with my partners in the Department of Public Works. We had a fairly clear defence policy with the previous Liberal government, and we have had a very powerful statement by the current government about its long-term commitment to the resourcing of defence in readiness, equipment, personnel, and infrastructure. I believe in the near future it will produce a clearer policy articulation of the “Canada first” defence strategy.
I understand the issue you're talking about, and I'll give you the example of Afghanistan. I spend about half my time worrying about trying to provide our soldiers in Afghanistan with the absolutely best equipment. To be very frank with you, whether I have a crystal-clear policy framework or not, I test every piece of equipment we send. I blow up--destructively test the vehicles we use. I bring forward to government the right solutions that our soldiers need. I would do that regardless of which government were here, as long as that government was committed to our soldiers being in Afghanistan.