Ms. saint pierre, I think you're very brave to meet with us today, given this whole issue and how it could affect your credibility.
By the way, I want you to know that I do hold you in high esteem. Your courage is a credit to you. I do, however, have a few questions. At the conclusion of your statement, you say this:
We also now plan to put in the bid solicitation mandatory provisions that bidders include an SME subcontracting plan in their proposals.
To my mind, it is clear that the witnesses who testified before you and described the problems they were having were absolutely right in saying that outrageous contracts would be awarded to large firms, that they would be shut out of subcontracts and that there was nothing they could do about it.
You continue: “[...] we will also establish a structure for a more formal consultation process [...]” Mr. Poole told us that he had consulted with people and made some presentations. Understandably, credibility is taking a bit of a hit here.
Would you care to respond?