In the space of nine months, they have managed to put the entire SME sector at risk. This is a major concern and I think the committee needs to urgently consider this matter.
You also mentioned other agencies, including small business associations. We receive a considerable amount of material at our offices. I recall that in 2006, we had some meetings with the CFIB. In a letter reporting on its meetings with Minister Fortier, the CFIB also expressed some surprise at the government's plans for a number of sectors, specifically, the IT sector, the engineering sector and the goods and services sector. Supply was one of the topics discussed. The government had a tendency to use major suppliers at the expense of regional offices and suppliers with access to federal contracts.
Have you ever laid eyes on a feasibility study of this approach or model? The Auditor General has complained repeatedly about the way in which major projects are handled. Recently, she talked about her opposition to or reservations about the contract awarding process. She also alluded to public accounts. I don't know what more to say, if only to stress the urgency of the situation.
It seems that everything will take place in the middle of the summer, when Parliament is in recess. The same thing happened last year in the case of other projects and other major government initiatives.
I'll leave it at that. Thank you.