You have no opinion in that regard, yet we certainly raised it in the House many times and there certainly is a belief out there, and there was even a U.S. reporter who said that this had a serious impact on the U.S. primaries, particularly on Mr. Obama's campaign.
You don't have an opinion, or you do not wish to state an opinion, on that, yet your report basically states that they were unable to determine whether there was a leak. So you're not really stating anything much. I'm not sure what exactly your report comes to conclude, other than to remind people of their responsibilities and that you were unable to get to the bottom of it.
Would you not think there should at least be more of a public inquiry or more of an in-depth investigation? Why just put a stop to it there by saying, well, we were unable to get to the bottom of it and we are just going to remind everybody to do their job, and then expect the public, and we, as parliamentarians, to accept that conclusion?
I just don't get it.