I have just two points on this.
I took the time to sit down with the staff, those individuals who are working hard to get rid of the backlog and also ensure that our statistics on the way forward are good—that is, you always have people leaving, and so on. So I showed some commitment in listening to them, and we had a bit of a chat.
I'm not saying that the issue of salary is off the table, but very often what I heard more, at least in the case of Public Works, is that because of the backlog, they face a lot of pressure in terms of work. Frankly, I'm being very transparent. I said, “Hang in there; let's try to do what we can right now.” I hope people will get overtime, as they should. Let's try to get over that bump and then stabilize ourselves by investing in a system long-term that will depressurize the system, not only in Public Works but also in other departments.
In reality, the situation faced in Public Works is not unique. What is unique in our case is that about one-third of our workforce, for whatever reason, left almost at once, which created the issue. Any other department is using our system as a centralized system, and if they also were to lose some of their people, they could face the same situation that we faced.
Going back to the core issue of a properly designed new system is imperative, otherwise that curve is always possible, that some people move, they go to another department, and so on, or they simply move out of that field to do something else, and then the pressure can creep up again. We have to go to the root cause, which is reinvestment in our pay modernization system.