The pension project is well under way. In fact, the main components of the project will be in production fairly quickly, that is by 2010. Replacing these systems has been a lengthy process because the system must remain strong. Half-measures are not an option. These systems must be extremely accurate. Therefore, it is a very time-consuming process.
We have been given the necessary approvals. On the pay side, everything is going smoothly. The Treasury Board Secretariat is currently weighing priorities. As you know, the government does have other priorities. However, I have to say that people are aware of the problem and know that it must be addressed. The process will unfold as it should and in the meantime, PWGSC is continuing to work on the project, even though project approval has yet to be given. We have done some research to ensure that the solutions identified are the right ones. I want to assure you that no time is being wasted and that research efforts are ongoing.