In this committee, we have adopted 48 hours. In the last Parliament, it seemed to work well. It usually was the case that if somebody wanted to bring a substantive motion to be debated immediately, it was on the issue currently being considered by the committee. We do have provisions within this current order stating that if it is a substantive motion relating to the business under consideration by the committee at the time, we can move with way less time.
I think 48 hours' notice provides every member of the committee some time to at least be prepared for issues that come forward. I think the 48 hours is reasonable in terms of being prepared, but we do have this special provision that if in fact something comes up in committee from a witness, or different things, we can proceed almost immediately because of the provision in this motion. But if we're going to be moving on to something that's entirely new, I think it's reasonable to have 48 hours for preparation.