Good morning, Mr. Chair. I am pleased to meet with the members of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. As you mentioned, I am accompanied by Simon Kennedy, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Plans and Consultation.
We are here today to talk about the 2009-10 Main Estimates for the Privy Council Office. PCO's last appearance before this Committee was in February 2009, regarding the Supplementary Estimates (B) for the Privy Council Office. The Privy Council Office reports directly to the Prime Minister and is headed by the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister's overall responsibility is to provide leadership in creating and sustaining the unity of the ministry required to maintain the confidence of Parliament. The Prime Minister demonstrates this leadership in two distinct ways: through the exercise of unique authorities as head of government and through the management and coordination of the government's agenda as chair of the cabinet.
The core functions of the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet, and those of the entire PCO, flow directly from these responsibilities. The strength of PCO is in large measure determined by its ability to concentrate its resources on supporting exclusively these two central responsibilities, in addition to helping the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet fulfill his role as head of the public service.
PCO contributes significantly to the implementation of a clearly articulated government policy agenda, coordinates timely responses to issues facing the government and the country, and supports the effective operation of the cabinet and the government. PCO works to maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in the federal public service and ensures that the Prime Minister and ministers within the Prime Minister's portfolio receive high-quality, consistent, appropriate, and non-partisan policy and legal advice and objective recommendations.
PCO has four priorities for 2009-10 and will achieve these priorities as follows. First, support the Prime Minister in exercising his overall leadership responsibility. Through this priority, PCO will continue to support the Prime Minister in one of his key leadership roles, which is to create and sustain the unity of the Ministry.
PCO will carry out the following plans to meet this priority effectively: provide advice on the broad organization and machinery of government, the structure and functioning of Cabinet and its committees, parliamentary affairs and the appointments of principal public office holders; and support strong and integrated management across all government institutions, supporting the effective functioning of Cabinet committees by exercising a coordination and challenge function on policy and legislative proposals from departments and by advising on the management of the Government's legislative agenda.
PCO's second priority is to focus on key policy in legislative areas and to strengthen medium-term policy planning. PCO will provide advice and support in the overall development and implementation of the government's policy and legislative agendas. More specifically, PCO will support the government's efforts to respond to the global economic recession, provide strong leadership of the economic agenda, and provide economic stimulus; help all Canadians to participate in this country's opportunities; ensure the federal government operates more effectively; contribute to global security and well-being; strengthen the federation and Canada's democratic institutions; develop and implement initiatives aimed at securing our energy future by tackling climate change and preserving Canada's environment; and finally, keep Canadians safe.
The third priority is to support management and accountability of government. PCO will support the government's continued efforts to improve the overall management, transparency, and accountability of government. As well, it will help to ensure strong leadership capability at all levels. PCO will effectively meet this priority by supporting the renewal of the Public Service of Canada.
The fourth priority is to strengthen PCO's internal management practices. This priority will contribute to excellence in management practices, resulting in effective and efficient use of resources in support of PCO's operations. In addition, financial and non-financial performance information will be more readily available, contributing to improved transparency and accountability.
PCO will focus on internal renewal efforts and initiatives and the following plans: to strengthen management of internal security, particularly in the areas of emergency management and occupational safety and health; to contribute to provide objective and independent value-added assurance services; to strengthen the integration of human resources planning into business planning; and to implement the second year of a multi-year performance measurement strategy.
PCO's main estimates for 2009-10 total $128.8 million. Resources are allocated as follows: 47% of our resources are spent on providing professional, non-partisan policy advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers; 38% is allocated for internal services; 13% on providing policy advice and secretariat support to cabinet and cabinet committees; and 2% on providing overall leadership and direction to the public service in support of the government's agenda.
As of 2009-10, internal services are now being presented as a separate program activity in the main estimates as per the Treasury Board Secretariat's standardized profile of the Government of Canada's internal services. In prior years, corporate services budgets and expenses were prorated based on the weight of each program activity.
For internal services, please note that PCO operates in a highly centralized and unique environment where many costs normally assumed by line managers are covered by corporate services: for example, all informatics and technical services, which include protected and classified networks based on the uniqueness of our business environment at PCO; all furniture and equipment; supplies; printing and graphics; messenger services; telecommunications; translation; and the review of cabinet confidence information in order to protect prior and current cabinet information. These are all covered by corporate services and are not allocated to the individual program activities.
The overall increase of $5.6 million, from $123.2 million in 2008-09 to $128.8 million in 2009-10, pertains to the following items. The $4.8 million is related to the funding for the establishment and the operations of the Afghanistan Task Force. Funding is expected until 2011-12, which is the last year of operation of the task force. The $2 million is related to the funding for the office of the coordinator for the 2010 Olympics and for G-8 security. Funding is expected until 2010-11, which is the last year of operations of the office. There is $800,000 that is included for collective bargaining agreements and $100,000 for statutory adjustments related to the salary and motor car allowance for the leader of the government in the House of Commons.
This is offset by the following decreases. There is $1.3 million for the funding of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182, which was originally ending its operations in 2008-09. Therefore, no amounts were approved in the 2009-10 main estimates. However, due to delays of hearings, delays in getting documents, and delays in the production of the report, additional funding for this commission was sought in the 2008-09 supplementary estimates and will be sought through the 2009-10 supplementary estimates (A). There is also a reduction of $500,000 for statutory adjustments related to the employee benefit plans and $300,000 for additional efficiency savings related to the procurement initiative.
In closing, I would like to thank you for giving me this time to inform you of the ongoing initiatives in the 2009-10 Main Estimates.