First of all, the clerk is the head of the public service. In that role, from the point of view of giving direction on a government-wide basis, he issues an annual report every year. In his reports he has outlined an action plan, with expectations for all departments. As I just mentioned, for example, there was an expectation that every department would do an integrated business plan. There are also other requirements, which he has put into his document. It is a general direction that goes out from the clerk to all of the deputies to assist with the renewal of the public service.
We also have, as I mentioned before, a secretariat that is devoted to the support of public service renewal. Just recently, a portion of the former Canada Public Service Agency moved into the PCO. That organization is specifically tasked with the collective management of the assistant deputy minister population. They were already responsible for deputy ministers. They are to try to provide a more collective and organized approach to talent management, for example, at the ADM level. So while we're not an operational department, we have taken a leadership role, generally speaking, across the government and also more specifically for the more senior levels.