I'm not an expert, but I would suggest that one of the key things is the need to brand the public service as a great place to work, because in fact it is. And it's probably one of the best kept secrets in Canada. I also think that the work.... In advertising or in trying to attract people to come into the public service, there's the fact that you are exposed to the whole parliamentary process; you have an opportunity to actually affect many Canadians in how they live. That's pretty impressive. That's a pretty impressive offer for someone to come in to be employed.
One of the other things we absolutely have to do is get that message out to university students, for example. Many deputies, for example, go out to universities to actually speak to students to give them some sense of what it's like to work in the public service, to encourage them to do that.
And of course we are out running collective staffing processes to try to attract people into the public service and to train them up.