A number of things have been done, and I can itemize them.
The first is with regard to the process for cabinet approvals. Work has been done to try to accelerate the normal cabinet approval process. Typically, it would be a number of months after a budget is put out that items would come forward to cabinet. PCO has been working with departments, where possible, to try to group together like items and to bring them to the cabinet system on an expedited basis.
We've been trying to work with colleagues at Treasury Board to do much the same with Treasury Board submissions. Once the policy is established at cabinet, there is then all the administrative detail of how a program will be designed, the terms and conditions and that sort of thing.
Treasury Board has been working with departments to help them develop their Treasury Board submissions, in many cases in parallel with the policy development work. So they are trying to do both at the same time, as opposed to doing it sequentially. They are trying to bring Treasury Board proposals into the Treasury Board, again on an expedited basis, grouping together proposals that are similar where that's possible.
Also, they have been working across departments in the government, looking at how various authorities can be realigned to better support the delivery of the stimulus measures. For example, where a department might have a robust risk management framework in place, that department might be given more authority than is typical to be able to go out and actually execute contracts and undertake work.
In addition to that, the government has been exploring--and certainly the public service has been supporting this--ways to streamline various approval processes. For example, if one wanted to construct a bridge, you would typically have approvals under the Navigable Waters Protection Act to look at how to streamline and reduce redundancy under that legislation.
In addition, I mentioned earlier, with regard to the whole process around appropriations, to try to find a way to accelerate appropriations.... For example, there are a large number of items set out in the Budget Implementation Act so that the appropriation authority can actually take place through the budget legislation. Once the legislation passes, departments will actually have the authority to spend. Again, typically what would happen is the spending authority would be through the supplementary estimates, either in June or perhaps in December, which would be up to eight months after the budget is typically tabled.
Altogether in that process--I don't have the figures directly--the savings would be anywhere from a couple of months to as much as a year or more in terms of the ability to roll out measures.
I would note that the IMF, in its article 4 assessment, which I believe came out yesterday, actually had some very positive things to say about what Canada is doing to try to focus on delivery of the measures in the budget.