Thank you very much.
You've received my past submission. I have further evidence in the document in front of me, which I will forward to the committee.
I would like to talk about some parts of this evidence, as I do not want to be long-winded, and I would like to entertain any concerns you may have about my past evidence and about what I am about to say.
SME shipyards are strategic to Canada's maritime defence, security, and life-saving capability, and they contribute to maintaining Canada's marine highways. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, especially in small towns and cities, whether in Nanaimo, B.C., or Les Méchins, Québec.
In the past, and at the present time, the government has implemented procurement policies that favour large multinational companies in the shipyard and marine repair industry to the detriment of small and medium-sized companies. The chair of this committee expressed outrage at the fact that PWGSC destroyed an entire supply chain in the furniture industry. The fact is that PWGSC will soon have wiped out the small shipyards and marine repair companies in Canada.
When the economy slows down, things get tight. The problems in the forest, fishing, and other industries have had a negative impact on operations like mine. Government policies contribute to some of the problems we have. This is why we didn't expect the federal government to contribute to our woes in an unfair and uncompetitive manner by directing contracts to large multinationals and by ignoring SMEs. Especially in these times of economic turmoil, we need Canadian government contracts to be fairly tendered in order to compete. For us, this is a matter of survival.
The recently announced federal shipbuilding and vessel life extension programs, which amount to many billions of dollars, are looked upon as increasingly important to small shipyards to fend off the effects of the current recession. The expectations of the SME shipyards were raised when they heard that shipbuilding repair would be part of the current economic stimulus package. They have heard of large projects and of some small boats to be built, but there is literally nothing in between.
The problem is that large projects often mean that there are many small vessels that SME shipyards could build, but the government likes to package them in bundles, as they believe this to be the answer. What this means is that small shipyards are shut out of every government shipbuilding project because of the cost of bidding and bonding or because the project size is beyond their financial resources.
This is not in the interest of Canada, because the skills of the SME shipyards are not maintained, and if only multinationals get to build small boats, Canada's strategic defence capability will suffer. Essentially, what it means is that multinational shipyards do all the work, both big and small.
The recent FELEX contract is an example, with all the work on the west coast going to one company via named price and all the work on the east coast going to one company via named price. Taxpayers are not getting any kind of bang for their buck.
For your information, I see a parallel in the IT industry, after reading earlier OCG evidence.
The result is that small shipyards do not get to carry out any contracts greater than approximately $3 million to $5 million. In addition, contracts seem to be getting larger rather than smaller, as the government believes that bundling contracts saves them money. It has, and will, kill the SMEs soon if nothing is done.
You've received information on some of the large contracts that have been awarded in the past on the west coast. It is obvious that these numbers pale in contrast to the contracts small business could carry out on an individual vessel basis. An SME shipyard could participate if it were done on an individual vessel basis.
This is a direct result of past tendering practices, which need to be fixed. We cannot afford to take the gamble to bid these contracts, as it would eat up a year's income or more. In addition, SMEs are shut out because they are told they have no experience, which is absolutely not the case. If what I've stated were the case, my only argument would be to ask you to intervene just because we are SMEs. The fact is that this is not the case. I'm asking you to intervene and help us to change this mindset at Public Works and Government Services because we are innovative, flexible, more effective, and less expensive. These are qualities that allow us to win contracts against large multinationals when we're not excluded from the bidding process.
In addition, the federal government has loaded their contracts with risks to the contractor by using design-build contracts, and so on. They should do the design, as they used to in the past, and tender it to the shipyards for a price to perform the work. The SME shipyards can't afford to carry the overhead of ship designers, so are left out of these opportunities. The multinational companies that can afford the overhead because of the volume of work they get use design-build to their advantage over small shipyards and SMEs.
Therefore, we talked to the federal government to see what could be done. OSME told us that this was not their file. They said it was up to Industry Canada. Industry Canada said they have no interest in seeing projects de-bundled.
OSME also said they do not set aside work for SMEs, yet PWGSC does it every day for the multinationals. In addition, PWGSC has a set-aside program for aboriginals. It is then logical--to me--that they could have a set-aside program for SMEs.
Not one department is acting in the interest of small business and the taxpayer. To me, it is obvious that the federal government needs to create separate SME policies inside the existing national shipbuilding policy framework.
I have given evidence here in the past about the SBA in the United States. Across our departments in the federal government there are many small business offices, such as Western Diversification; Industry Canada has a small business office; and we have OSME. These people should be absorbed into one area or one department that should have unyielding powers to change policies in tendering processes.
Contrary to what others have said about the IT industry, SMEs in the marine sector believe it is in the government's best interest to support them by awarding contracts directly--now. There is no way to restore competition and capability to the industry. We need immediate help, as their past practices have put us in a very tenuous position. At this point, the playing field is such an uphill climb for SMEs that they most likely will not survive.
Canada should pride itself on being one of the largest maritime nations in the world. There are many companies involved in this industry, with great technological innovations that are exported all over the world. Everything involving ships is produced in Canada and exported worldwide--except for ships. This is because of the importance other maritime nations place on their maritime industries.
Government likes supporting high-tech. High-tech is a buzzword. It exists in every industry sector. Some ships are more complex and high-tech than airplanes, yet the government doesn't seem to be able to wrap its mind around this; it calls it a traditional and sunset industry.
Travel to any coast, to the Arctic, etc., and you will see the importance of marine activity to our economy. We recently built ferries for British Columbia in Germany, a country with the highest labour rates in the world. A recent contract for a small ferry for the New Brunswick government was awarded to a Florida company.
The U.S. has a separate administration to deal with maritime issues, the Maritime Administration, known as MARAD. They award grants every year for small shipyards for infrastructure upgrade. The grants are used to help keep small shipyards competitive with large multinational companies. This year the amount was raised to $98 million as part of the stimulus program. One of last year's grants went to Ketchikan shipyard in Alaska for a new, smaller dry dock. This dry dock will service some of BC Ferries' northern vessel fleet.
We need such an administration that assists SMEs. There should also be more R and D and export support for shipyard SMEs.
Incidentally, that BC Ferries work for the northern fleet is work that we do normally in our work every year. Has Canada's government decided that it should abandon the thousands of people directly and indirectly employed by our SMEs in the shipyard and marine repair industry? Is that what this procurement policy means?
I have also talked in past evidence about the federal government doing their own work. The navy has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on both coasts, putting money into their facilities. Why shouldn't they be giving money for me to improve my facilities, if that's the case? This is work that the private sector SMEs can do and should be doing. The number of personnel in the navy's own repair division on the west coast has grown by well over 200% in the last four years.
My conclusions are as follows. Due to government policies, small shipyards have closed, and more will close during this recession. The industry is becoming extremely rationalized. Canada is close to not having enough capacity for its maritime defence security and life-saving requirements. We are now to a point where it is highly doubtful that there will be near the capacity to carry out the future shipbuilding work the government has tabled. Now is the time for small shipyards to receive infrastructure and contractual support for this work so that they become competitive players in an industry dominated by the multinationals.
The government is quite capable of negotiating sole-source contracts with small shipyards. They do it every day with the multinationals. This is done in other countries to keep competitiveness alive in the industry. It is in the public interest to do so.
I thank you for your time. I would like to advise you that all of the SME shipyards that I have talked to are 100% behind what I am saying, and they are looking for immediate solutions. One of these shipyards is in Mr. Roy's riding. Many of our locations are in smaller cities and towns, and we are very important contributors to our local economies. If something is not done immediately, the industry and the smaller cities' and towns' economies will suffer enormously, and an already fragile supply chain will be destroyed.
Thank you.