Thank you for your question.
I do share your hope and objective of building more champions in Canada that could compete across the world.
I will directly answer your question about the number of employees. We have 16,000 employees in Canada, and in Ontario alone we have about 5,000 employees. The average salary is $80,000, so these are significant jobs. You will see there's a good multiplier from the kind of work we do. StatsCan says the multiplier is .84 from ICT jobs, which is higher than other industries.
To your question about building companies, it's something I'm personally passionate about. I started with a small firm and we grew, but we did not grow because our clients did staff augmentation; we grew by doing projects. If I were a small company today in front of you, a true small company, I would ask you to do projects. Do not do staff augmentation. It does not build value; there is no IP, etc. That's how to do it, by doing projects.