Thank you, Andrew.
What we're advocating here today is a procurement method that ensures your ability to get the right project and the right team for the project at the time so you can have the best possible outcome. And the fees should represent the level of effort and service.
I think the analogy Mr. Steeves made about being able to hire an employee is very appropriate. You state the job description and qualifications, advertise the opportunity, shortlist, and interview. You find out who's the best fit, who buys into your vision, and who's going to bring value to the organization. Then you negotiate terms. This is very analogous to how the best practices model works.
In summary, we have two recommendations. First is that the federal government and its agencies adopt the InfraGuide, Best Practice for Selecting a Professional consultant, as its method of procuring our services. Second is that the federal government introduce legislation or other appropriate instruments that would mandate the use of qualifications-based selection as the required procurement process on federally funded projects as well, so that those federal tax dollars could be effectively leveraged to the best possible outcome.
This has been done extensively and successfully across the United States. The Province of Quebec has introduced legislation to ensure that its provincial agencies do it. A number of municipalities, such as the City of Calgary and the City of London, also use the qualifications-based selection process. We hope that under the leadership of the current government we can move forward on this front so that we can provide better service to you and the taxpayers.
Thank you. We look forward to your questions and a productive discussion.