It is not centralized. Each agency has its own procurement function, with contracting officers and large procurement groups. There are actually over 3,000 buying activities. That's our phrase for places that are issuing contracts. There are 3,000 in the U.S.
How do we, then, track and monitor them? Those are some of the technology pieces that I mentioned we've been developing. This gets to the prior question of how we know whether these things are doing a good job, because we need to evaluate the metrics and say yes, it's doing the right thing, or here's where it needs improvement.
When contracting officers are issuing a solicitation for bids and are getting ready to issue a contract, they need to enter that data into a program that's fed onto a website we have called FedBizOpps, or federal business opportunities. You can go to, and a vendor can see and search for contracting opportunities from any agency and can try to participate.
There are a few other tools, but skipping to the end, once the agency has chosen the winner and the contract is done, we track all of that, because they must enter it into another system called the federal procurement data system, FPDS-NG—NG is for “next generation”—and through that we are able to track what they've actually purchased, whom they've purchased it from, what socio-economic programs may have qualified, all of those types of things.
The last part of your question, which is also very valid and a very big challenge for me, is how do we know they're telling the truth; or, said more nicely, how do we make sure there aren't mistakes made? That's where we come in and work with them. We can see this entire database, and when we see what we call anomalies or inconsistencies, we go back to those agencies and those buying activities and ask them to double-check a contract or piece of data and tell us that either, yes, they did it right or, no, they need to correct it and go back through.
That is a huge challenge when you talk about, as you noted, $400 billion-plus in contracts—which means many, many contracts—issued by 3,000 different places. It's quite a challenge for us to then follow up and make sure they haven't made any mistakes, but it's something we take very seriously, and that is very important when you're trying to get the metrics and the data necessary to make decisions to answer such questions as whether we think these programs are working well.