Mr. Chair, I would say that everybody at the SBA needs to be doing that.
To be more specific, we do have an office of communications and public liaison, which should be telling the stories of the successful little guys so that everybody becomes a little more comfortable with the fact that these great innovative companies are providing a high quality of goods and services.
We have an office of entrepreneurial development to help the new companies that are starting up get the education, training, support, and outreach they need and to help champion their cause.
We have programs for a number of socio-economic groups so that the particular needs of those groups are being voiced and have a seat at every table.
You have the people within my government contracting organization championing each of these pieces out to the agencies.
Also, if any of these small businesses just feel somewhat frustrated by the heavy hand of the government and feel they've been wronged in some way, we have what we call an ombudsman, who can facilitate answers to their concerns within our agency or across the government. That's another voice of the little guy, so to speak. That's housed within the SBA, but it should give them a voice and a seat at every table throughout the government.