They have.
I have a couple of thoughts. The first is that as director general of small business responsibilities, it is a horizontal file. It's one of the most difficult in government to advance because you tend to look up the line to your particular ministerial priorities and ensure that what levers you're having as a department are working very well. You're on the hook to deliver on that, especially. So that's one thing. In my own area, for example, that is ensuring that the supply of financing through the BDC, through Canada small business financing, is working very well. Then we advocate influence horizontally out from that.
There are a lot of departments, a lot of agencies, that affect small business outcomes. So small business policy tends to be horizontal, including procurement policy, if you will, depending on the way you draw the line or your network. There's also tax policy--collaborating with the Department of Finance--and international trade policy and agriculture. Most departments will affect small businesses, so it's a matter of choosing where the highest incremental opportunity is to shape small business.
So we have two sets of files. One is where we have direct responsibility and the other is what I call push and prod. When a memorandum in the cabinet goes through and we have an opportunity to comment on it and influence outcomes in the interest of small business, then we will try to do that.
On procurement per se, we have had a relationship with Shereen, just kind of trying to understand the file, trying to be as helpful as we can.
On the portal, I would emphasize the Canada Business website that we do have. This goes back to 1993-94 when it was established. We have agreements with all provincial governments with respect to the website, the telephone service, and the walk-in service. We really do try to get as much information as we can within that particular program, and to make it seamless and easy for businesses to access.
Is it perfect yet? No. Is it transactional? No. Can we do better? Certainly, we can, and that is something that we are committed to do. It's an ongoing process of collaborating with our colleagues across the country, of ensuring that the content in that particular website is up-to-date. As I said, it's just a know, a link-over to procurement. I'd be happy to take you through the Canada Business website sometime.