I think it is important to emphasize that, within your department, work methods and contract arrangements were restructured, allowing you to save millions of dollars.
On the other hand, we have seen today that Industry Canada also assists small and medium enterprises. That department has its own website. The Business Development Bank, as well, helps small and medium enterprises. The same applies to MERX. Local Development Centres do the same, as do CFDCs. In fact, there are so many organizations out there providing assistance to SMEs that we need an Office of Small and Medium Enterprises. I should mention in passing that this office only deals with 28 percent of such businesses. Officially, it is there for 100 percent of the SMEs in Canada, but OSME representatives have told us that they work primarily in the regions and that only 28 percent of SMEs are actually located in the regions. I would just like to know whether there are not some savings to be made there as well.
I have nothing against Ms. Shereen Miller, but looking at the vast array of services available to SMEs, I am wondering whether it might be a good idea to help PWGSC to focus on the assistance provided to SMEs by Industry Canada.
In any case, I do have questions about the OSME. I expected Ms. Miller, in anticipation of such questions, to give us a nice deck explaining what the BDC does, what they do, what CFDCs do, and so on. That is both a comment and a question.