Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Before asking my questions, I would like to table the document referred to by Ms. Bourgeois and ask that it be appended to today's proceedings. It deals with the same subject that was addressed by another committee.
I would like to direct my questions to the other witnesses, who are not from Public Works and Government Services Canada. I would like to have them provide a little more information. For example, I would like to know what you consider to be a small and medium enterprise. In terms of the number of employees, based on what data does Industry Canada determine that a company is small or medium-sized? In your material, you say that 98 per cent of the 2.3 million business establishments in Canada are considered to be small enterprises, that 74 per cent of them have fewer than 10 employees and that 57 per cent have between one and four employees.
What is your definition of a small and medium enterprise in Canada?