Indeed, it would be helpful to give a more fulsome explanation of everything the government is doing for SMEs. I did not mean to insinuate that the OSME is not responsible for other funds, because it is. That is the case for MERX, for example. We are also responsible for MERX. That means there is an additional $7 million there for MERX.
As well, we are responsible for the registration system known as “Supplier Registration Data”, as well as other systems that are part of the portal we are in the process of developing. We will be working with our partners to ensure that this portal will be a gateway for all enterprises interested in government procurement, with all federal departments and Public Works clients.
I did not want to give the impression that all of this was not concentrated in our shop. Indeed, everything dealing with procurements goes through the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises.
So that is not dispersed across government.