Could you possibly provide that to this committee?
With the chair's indulgence, as he suggested before, we appreciate that some of the questions may not have answers, but it would certainly be helpful to the committee to find out if there is an equivalency of senior executive members of the RCMP receiving executive compensation for merit, for things like, for instance, efficiencies in terms of lessening financial burdens. One would hate to think that there are fewer and fewer police officers on the beat as a result of compensation that might be linked to finding efficiencies. Could you please provide the committee with that?
I'll turn right to the question, though, of section 50b in the line items here in the vote. There is an increase of some $17 million. That's a pretty hefty increase of almost a quarter of the agency's program spending under the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency. Could you let us know why that happened? What circumstances led to that increase?
Mr. Smith?