Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I have a few comments with regard to some of the things that have happened.
With regard to Madame Bourgeois' potential motion, I would prefer that it be dealt with in the committee as a whole as opposed to a steering committee. I just don't like more meetings, to be honest, Mr. Chair, so if she wishes to bring forward a motion, have at it. I think it is a better way to go about it.
In terms of my questions at hand, either witness can answer.
One of my colleagues, Mr. Gourde, asked which departments would be interested in acquiring more space, and you mentioned Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Revenue Canada, Public Safety, and Citizenship. They were the five. They were the top of the list.
I'm particularly interested with regard to public safety. You may tell me that is a question I have to ask Public Safety, and if you do, I have to accept that, but I'm curious as to whether or not you can give me more details about what buildings or moneys public safety is looking for and if you have any details with regard to the assets they currently hold.