All right. Yes, even though the train has not left the station, they have provided for some spending in this fiscal year. We might wish to look at that issue as an estimates procedure rather than embarking on a sidebar study. If that's okay, I'll ask research to do a bit of a workup and see where we can build that in before we break for the summer.
Now, I want to hunker down here and take a look at our calendar so members will know what's coming down the pipeline. Maybe the clerk can speak to it, because this is a bit of a moving target, and everyone is operating in good faith here with the valuable assistance of Mr. Warkentin.
I just wanted to say to Mr. Martin that, on occasion, Mr. Warkentin's efforts have speeded up the reply communication from some of the government ministers, and it's been helpful to the clerk, but he is absolutely not trying to control the witness agenda here.