Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm very pleased to appear before the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, and yes indeed, Mr. Chair, we'd like to discuss the mandate and the rather complex work of my office and hopefully present you with a clearer idea of the mandate that has been given to us, but as well, of the quality of the work of my office as it carries out its mandate.
It is an honour to have been appointed Canada's first Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, by joint resolution of both Houses of Parliament in August 2007. My office is responsible for implementing the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. Our mandate under this legislation is, first, to establish a safe and confidential mechanism enabling public servants and the general public to disclose wrongdoing committed in the public sector; and second, to protect from reprisal public servants who have disclosed wrongdoing and those who are cooperated in investigations. In short, it's one act, two regimes: disclosure of wrongdoing and protection against reprisal.
Our ultimate goal is to enhance public confidence in our public institutions and in the integrity of public servants. In fact, the preamble of our act expressly recognizes that the federal public administration is part of the essential framework of Canadian parliamentary democracy, and that it is in the public interest to maintain and enhance confidence in the integrity of public servants through a disclosure and reprisal protection system. We are guided at all times by the essential concept of the public interest.
I would also like to emphasize the key role that our public institutions play in the lives of all Canadians, and this role is never more important than in times of economic uncertainty. Strengthening our federal public administration, in whatever way possible, is both an expectation and obligation on the part of my office.
Our second report is built around the theme of “Building Trust Together: A Shared Responsibility“. Three guiding principles: inform, protect and prevent are the key pillars of our work, and I will use these three principles to frame my submissions to you today.
First, inform.
My office has jurisdiction over the entire public sector, with the exception of security establishments, and goes beyond the core public service. It includes, for instance, crown corporations. That constituency is approximately 400,000 employees. In addition, our act specifies that members of the public can also come forward with information about a possible wrongdoing. Our constituency is significantly broadened as a result. Part of our duty is to inform, so that stakeholders understand what we do, why we do it, how we do it, but as well, what we're not doing.
It remains a challenge to ensure that all public servants know about the legislation and the role of my office. Of course, we rely on the support of our colleagues in the public sector, the media and indeed members of this committee and your fellow parliamentarians, to help us ensure that people are aware of our existence and our mandate.
Our annual report is also a key means of reaching out to all public servants and informing them about our role and our approach. I am pleased to have been able to provide to you today copies of the brochure that you now have at hand, that we are distributing widely throughout the public sector and that provides key information about my office and our work.
Let me now say a few words about the second pillar of our mandate: protect. Our act specifically deals with protection on a number of fronts. We have exclusive jurisdiction to handle reprisal complaints; the protection of public servants who come forward with a disclosure or who participate in an investigation is also one of our key responsibilities. Protection is central to our mandate. We must also protect the identity of the discloser who comes forward to us in good faith, and we must protect the information that comes into our hands as a result of our work.
We thus have a number of interests at stake: the interests of those coming forward in good faith and who have faith in the public sector and want to uphold its long tradition of ethical behaviour; the interests of those same persons in being protected against reprisal for coming forward and not being punished for doing the right thing; the interests of the chief executive, on behalf of his or her organization, in wanting to manage effectively and honestly, in knowing about problems as soon as they occur, and in being able to respond to them; the interests of those against whom allegations are brought and whose reputations and careers may be at stake; the interests of an organization in being able to continue to operate when we're called in. Our job is not to shut down an organization when we respond to an allegation, but to ensure that the problem is corrected.
Also at stake is the public interest. We are and will continue to be guided by the public interest in all cases.
These are the essential interests that must be recognized and balanced.
Finally, to prevent is the third pillar of the mandate. Very early in my mandate, with the support of Parliament and eminent jurists, we collectively agreed to interpret my mandate as something broader than mere enforcement. We truly believe that a strong prevention orientation is critical to our success, along with education and outreach. My office will certainly respond fully and seriously to every inquiry, to every allegation of wrongdoing, every complaint of reprisal. We will not hesitate to use the full investigative powers provided by the act. However, that is not to say we'll confine ourselves to two options: investigate or close the file.
An enforcement model is simply not enough for us to achieve our goal of promoting ethical behaviour; that is, creating an environment in which valid concerns can be brought forward and dealt with effectively, and enhancing confidence in our public institutions.
We have a responsibility to identify vulnerabilities. Let me repeat that, where wrongdoing does occur, we will respond as effectively and efficiently as possible within the framework of our legislation.
I'll offer a few words about the annual report, if I may.
You will note that the three guiding principles are still there: inform, protect, prevent. But as well, we've added the very important component of shared responsibility. This year we thought it would be important as well to raise concern about small federal agencies. My office is one such agency, with all the challenges and opportunities. By the same token, the whole issue of capacity to ensure that mistakes are not made is quite central. There is urgent action required to ensure that each of our institutions is equipped to handle its mandate and have the internal capacity to deliver on it.
I also spent some time discussing crown corporations and vulnerabilities around governance. Again, this is a very important instrument to delivery of policy, operational, or specific mandates. The report in that regard discusses five myths and associated misconceptions. I'd be curious to hear your comments and suggestions.
Our third chapter talks about investigation. We highlight four specific cases, each of them quite complex, wherein we describe not only our obligation as we implement the act, but as well, the very important approach of acting as soon as possible to find practical solutions. Our involvement in any case may result in a net gain, a value-added, but we're confident that we do bring that value-added.
We've also devoted a chapter to the fear of coming forward. Why are people afraid? Indeed, that fear is real and complex. Most employees just want the wrongdoing to stop. They want the problem to be fixed as quickly and informally as possible; they do not want a long, formal investigation. But disclosing wrongdoing is a difficult thing to do, even with all the protection offered by the act. My office will continue to be sensitive to this challenge. We've included, in fact, the perspectives of people who've come forward in the past and of those organizations that work with these people. We've begun a consultation process. We value their unique perspective and will pursue the work with those organizations.
The annual report also describes the impact of organizational culture in the decision to come forward. It is crucial to establish a culture in which public servants can raise their concerns openly and with confidence that they will be treated fairly when they do so.
Our chapter on prevention, which, as I mentioned earlier, is at the heart of our mandate, reports on our efforts to reach out to small agencies and crown corporations. It also speaks to two target communities within the public sector: senior leaders, and middle managers. They are the culture carriers of the public sector and are key allies.
The photograph on the annual report was taken at our September 2008 symposium that brought key players together. There were over a hundred participants in addition to those in the photograph.
We also report on our very preliminary steps in benchmarking Canada's disclosure regime against countries with similar systems: the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
I'm here as well to talk about my budget plan. We've shared with you a brief document that gives an overview of the budget spent by my office in the fiscal year 2008-09. Our actual spending was $3.6 million. We do believe this amount is adequate to meet our current demands.
My office is still very much in a set-up mode, which makes it difficult to predict how many cases we'll receive and how many staff will be required, but we did build the capacity and the expertise to handle every single case with all of the attention that it deserves.
I have put in place a core team of professionals with our mandate very much at heart. We recognize that there will always be a need to have access to external experts in specific areas, as we have done in the past.
In conclusion, in 2009-2010, I expect to focus mainly on making known the mandate of our office as well as improving our case management system. As our work progresses, we will report to you on the resources required to continue to do our important work.
A five-year independent review of the act is required, and we intend to gather the information necessary to support that review, to guide Parliament, and to ensure that any recommendations that flow from it are fully informed and well supported.
It's an honour to appear before you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee. I welcome any questions you may have.