Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
These are very valid observations. Perhaps I'll use a preface.
First of all, it is true that whistle-blowing is not used in the legislation, and intentionally so, because it does carry a pejorative connotation. That's why we're talking about disclosure of wrongdoing. I think there is a difference. That's why I spent some time talking about the “various interests of parties” part of the process.
First and foremost, the act talks about protection to the extent possible. Protection should never be at the expense of natural justice and should never be at the expense of the institution itself, which must continue to operate notwithstanding concerns that have been brought forward. The act talks about effectiveness and also the rapidity with which we intervene. We don't want to have long processes that cast doubt on a number of people.
Nonetheless, I think Parliament did want public servants to come forward, to raise concerns. That's why, when I go around the public sector or across Canada, I always make the following comment. Each organization should make sure that it has solid, credible disclosure processes. Supervisors should know about issues that are of concern. There are very basic ways of doing it, including having conversations with dissenting workers, or agreeing to disagree. But you do need to have that culture of saying, “I made a mistake. I'm prepared to raise it, and something is going to happen.”
I would also guide the members, Mr. Chair, to our website, where in the context of our symposium in 2008 we had a very good presentation from one of my counterparts, the Honourable Patrick Ryan from New Brunswick, which talked specifically about what he called qualified protection.
Finally, in the annual report, we do talk about cases where the three disclosers changed their minds. They didn't want to pursue it. Still, we brought the matter to the attention of the chief executive, who took absolutely all measures to address the concerns, whether they were founded or not. I think that's the aim of the legislation.