Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning, Ms. Ouimet; good morning, gentlemen.
I wanted to tell you at the outset that I have read your document. I feel that you have done good work since you have been in your position. I do not know if you remember, but, on the day I met you here, I was skeptical. I told you not to forget the disclosers of wrongdoing who suffer psychological harassment, nor to forget the next stage, by which I meant the reprisals. What happens after the 60 days? You are showing a lot of sensitivity in this, and I feel that you have put appropriate measures in place. Earlier, I heard you say that people coming to you were emotional. You are sensitive to that, and I appreciate it a great deal. My congratulations.
So many questions occur to me and you are going to have to answer them in a very short amount of time, I think. On page 12, you say that agencies seem more vulnerable to staffing irregularities. Ms. Barrados has appeared before this committee. Do you work with her?