There are several questions there, and I'll try to address them all.
Virtually all the funding here has been allocated to departments, so what was allocated in the central vote is now with departments.
How much is spent, of course, depends on the program or initiative. There is work under way on many of these initiatives, and indeed, funding is flowing. We are trying to assess, on an ongoing basis, and certainly for the June reports and other reports, precisely how much money is flowing. But the first issue here was to ensure that the funding was allocated so that there would be no blockages for municipalities or provinces and others involved because we had a very rigid supplementary estimates (A) schedule. I think we've overcome that; bridge funding has been provided.
I can give you a couple of examples, if you like. If you turn to the allocations, about 35 allocations, on page 77, for Parks Canada for the Trans-Canada Highway, work is under way there. On the Strategic Training and Transition Fund, agreements have been signed with three provinces--full agreements--and there are nine agreements in principle with others.
For the marquee tourism events, funds are flowing to individual marquee festivals. For the NRC industrial research assistance program, or IRAP, they are hiring graduate students and assistants. For Public Works infrastructure projects, contracts have been issued and work is under way on many individual projects. Work is under way on the bridges, as Mr. Baird mentioned. For Revenue Canada, this funding has assisted in the implementation of the budget tax measures. Knowledge infrastructure program agreements have been signed with B.C. and Nova Scotia, and projects have been identified.
There's a whole range of different states of progress on all these initiatives. But funds are flowing and progress is being made.