You'll understand why I'm very skeptical about this program, which I think is window-dressing. Ultimately, if you want to renegotiate your mortgage with a bank, according to your mortgage contract, you can pay a three-month penalty or the bank can also not want to reopen your mortgage, and so on.
I know that you're not the person responsible, but I'm questioning this program, which helps the banks but not the individual homeowner. It's part of CHMC's mission to help individual homeowners, among others.
On page 80 of the Supplementary Estimates, at Industry Canada, under “National Research Council of Canada”, reference is made to the Industrial Research Assistance Program, the IRAP, about which it states: “To proceed immediately with the implementation of expansion measures [...],” to assist small and medium-size enterprises.
Have any funds already been released? Have you received any requests? Have any steps been taken to make this program work for SMEs?