You're telling us that the Government of Quebec doesn't want to participate; that's possible, but I nevertheless have a question for you, minister.
You're going to explain to me why all the mayors of Quebec municipalities are crying out and asking the federal and Quebec governments why the funding hasn't been released.
You tell us there's been an agreement. So why hasn't the funding been released? Why does this drag on? What's preventing the two levels of government from moving forward?
In the case of the majority of municipalities that I know of—I was a mayor for a long time—we always had projects on the back burner, many more than the available funding could cover. That's still the case today. Explain to me what isn't working. Why are the municipalities, all the municipalities represented by 100 participants, telling us that it's not working, that the money isn't being paid and that the projects aren't being accepted. What is the problem?