Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Minister, I would like to go back to the question I addressed earlier and that my colleague subsequently took up as well.
With regard to infrastructure belonging to Transport Canada in the regions, there has not been any investment in years. You say no contribution is being requested from the municipalities.
I'm sorry to contradict you, but under the transfer program, a contribution has been requested from the municipalities. A municipality of 1,500 inhabitants cannot invest $2 million to $3 million to repair infrastructure belonging to the federal government. That's what I was explaining to you.
Under the transfer program, that's precisely what is being asked of the municipalities. They're being asked to take charge of infrastructure once it is repaired. However, you first have to repair it. That's where the problem lies.
Transport Canada hasn't made any investment in this infrastructure, which belongs to it, for years. Let's get it straight. Of course Public Works is involved in the process because it's the department that must subsequently take action. The fact remains that this infrastructure belongs to the federal government.
My question is simple. What have you planned for infrastructure belonging to Transport Canada, beyond that mentioned? I'm not talking to you about Vancouver or major infrastructure, such as the Champlain bridge. I'm talking to you about infrastructure that belongs to Transport Canada in the regions. What has been allocated under the budget? What will you do for the dilapidated Transport Canada infrastructure everywhere?