I'm sorry, that's the total, but the balance was $1.1 billion. So it is $1.8 billion.
Of these moneys, if you can clarify for me the process, how much has been allocated as opposed to spent? I look at different departments--Environment, Parks Canada, some aspects under HRSDC, and Natural Resources. There are obviously a number of departments in which an amount of money has been allocated.
We've had this discussion at a number of other committee meetings, and I appreciate again your patience with us. The reason the Liberals in opposition approved this vote 35, despite the lack of upfront knowledge about where it would go, was for the purpose of allowing money to flow as quickly as possible. Can you explain to me how much of this $1.8 billion has actually flowed to the departments? Can you speak to the direct linkage, if any, in terms of money spent through these immediate allocations and the actual creation of jobs at this point in time?