I call the meeting to order. I see a quorum.
Our colleagues were reviewing the estimates today. Our clerk is still attending to some paperwork, but the clerk has distributed for your reference copies of the supplementary estimates (A) for 2009-10, which were introduced into the House only about an hour ago.
Our witnesses today are the Honourable John Baird, the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. He has a number of officials with him from Infrastructure Canada. I see on the list Louis Ranger, John Forster, Carol Beal, and David Cluff. I will allow the minister to introduce the officials he thinks are appropriate.
I'm pretty sure, Minister, you'll have an opening statement. We apologize for the slight delay. The committees do get backed up here in this particular committee room.
We're ready to go, Minister. I'm sure you'll have an opening statement, and then we'll go to questions from members.