Terrific. Thank you very much.
I want to focus on Mr. Lindsey, but as a general comment, going back to my earlier question, the clarification of the word “used” was that the money from vote 35 needed to be used before the end of June 2009, that it actually meant being allocated, that the money then does have to be spent in this current fiscal year.
One comment is that it seems, in reaction to that, a focus on jobs. We talked a little bit about the summer jobs. In terms of stimulus, to the extent that there has been incremental job creation, we support that. That was one of the reasons for the stimulus. However, we're very concerned that when we're doing this kind of stimulus, we also need to make sure we are creating jobs that ultimately will contribute as well to Canada's productivity, long-term economic prosperity, and global competitiveness, hence some of our earlier focus on some of the rather desperately needed infrastructure in municipalities.
As a preamble, I now move to Mr. Lindsey. I want to ask about the rural broadband program as an example. I have a number of $83 million-plus in the allocation so far. Can you do two things for me?
One, can you confirm that this is money that will actually be spent in this fiscal year? When it says, “making contributions”, can you tell me not only that this money will be spent in this fiscal year but where it will be spent? In terms of infrastructure that we need, broadband is a great idea, so I will give credit where it's due. I particularly like seeing this kind of thing in the allocations. I just want to make sure it's going to happen. And how will it be spent? Will it be spent this fiscal year, and to whom will the money go? Will it be going to the private sector or will it be going just to government employees, and what exactly will it be spent on?
I'm a little worried about the language of developing and implementing a strategy to improve access. We've been talking about the expansion of broadband for many years, so I want something a little harder than that.