Good morning, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for this opportunity to discuss our chapter on special examinations of crown corporations. As you indicated, I'm joined at the table this morning by Richard Flageole, an Assistant Auditor General in the office.
Crown corporations represent an important part of federal government activity. They employ over 92,000 people and manage over $185 billion in assets. Crown corporations are accountable to Parliament through the responsible minister, and as required by part X of the Financial Administration Act, we periodically conduct special examinations of crown corporations. A special examination is a form of performance audit. It provides an independent opinion on whether or not there is reasonable assurance that a crown corporation has systems and practices in place to ensure that assets are safeguarded and controlled; that financial, human, and physical resources are managed economically and efficiently; and that operations are carried out effectively.
Any major weakness in the key corporate systems and practices that would prevent it from achieving those objectives is reported as a significant deficiency. As such, our special examination reports provide important information that parliamentarians can use to hold crown corporations accountable.
In the March 2004 budget, as part of measures designed to strengthen management and accountability, the government announced that it intended to require crown corporations to make public their special examination reports from the Auditor General, and since then all crown corporations receiving our reports have made them available on their websites.
Last year for the first time, we tabled a chapter that provided, among other information, summaries of eight special examination reports as well as the status on our special examinations of 46 crown corporations. This year, we continued the practice and presented the main findings of our reports for an additional eight crown corporations.
We are pleased that the committee is taking an interest in these special examinations and we will continue to present this information annually in our report. Chapter 7 includes summaries of reports that we issued and that have subsequently been made public by the following eight crown corporations: the Canada Council for the Arts, Defence Construction (1951) Limited, the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, the International Development Research Centre, the Pacific Pilotage Authority, Parc Downsview Park Incorporated and VIA Rail.
Of these eight special examinations, we identified no significant deficiencies for five of them and one or more significant deficiencies for three. We found significant deficiencies in the Federal Bridge Corporation, the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority and VIA Rail. For each of these three corporations, we chose to bring the reports to the attention of the appropriate minister. In this chapter, we are presenting only the main findings. The full text of the report can be found on the corporations' websites. Please note, however, that these reports were issued in 2008, some very early in 2008, and that circumstances may have changed since then.
I would also like to bring to your attention some recent significant changes to the legislation related to special examinations. Up until this year, crown corporations were required to undergo special examinations at least once every five years. In early 2009, changes to the Financial Administration Act extended this cycle to at least once every 10 years. It's a change that we fully support. As well, the act now requires that the reports be made available to the public within 60 days.
That, Mr. Chairman, concludes my opening remarks, and we'd be pleased to answer any of the committee's questions.