I think you've essentially covered the main points.
To go back to the special examination, I think our conclusion was that they have a fairly strong planning process for developing the park. They have a very clear vision of what they want to do with the park. I guess the big question with Downsview is the financing of the development of such a major project. They have a 25-year financial forecast. The board made the decision to develop on a pay-as-you-go basis. I think we were quite satisfied with the financial planning aspect.
I think the main message we gave to the board is that there are so many assumptions and uncertainties when you're planning to develop such a project over 25 years, so the board will have to keep a very close eye on how those assumptions might change on things like inflation, construction costs, real estate value, and borrowing rates. Those are moving targets. It will be very, very important for the board to keep a close eye on the financial aspect of the project.