That more or less answers my question, since you do not have the figures with you.
I have another question about the federal government's program. In the past, we have seen it take for ever to spend the funds. Not only did it take for ever, it took just as long to negotiate with provincial governments. The federal government has its requirements, the provincial government has requirements of their own and so do municipalities. Are negotiations underway? Does the federal government have a coordinating committee, perhaps in the Privy Council Office, to make sure, once the measures are announced, that the process is going to be speeded up, that negotiations are going to take place and that we are not going to get hung up with dotting i's and crossing t's, as the Premier of Quebec said not so long ago? In Quebec, they were saying that money had been announced but not spent because people were hung up dotting i's and crossing t's. This is no time for those kinds of hang-ups. This is a real crisis. Will there be a more transparent coordinating committee that will let us know how things are going?