I'm happy to try to cooperate, Mr. Chairman, although I don't have a great deal to ask.
Perhaps as my closing remark let me say that the reason our party is having a hard time supporting Bill C-10 is that we find it draws more from the economic update of November than it does from the budget. The question I would put to any of the witnesses, not unlike my colleague from the Bloc previously, is what economic stimulus do you think the government could draw from limiting women's right to take pay equity appeals to the Human Rights Commission, or rolling back wages in the public sector, or gutting foreign ownership legislation, or going after student loan debt even more aggressively but not going after Technology Partnerships Canada loans? The payback rate for student loans is 96%. The payback rate for Technology Partnerships loans is 2%, and there are billions of dollars out there.
This thing is like a neo-conservative piƱata, and when Mr. Ignatieff hits it, all this neo-conservative wish list is going to rain down on Canadians' heads.
What possible economic stimulus could you draw from any of the examples I've just cited? Can anybody answer?