Thank you.
Considering the number of questions we've had, there seems to be an issue around simplicity. We had asked that you provide us with a flow chart, and I was looking at what the Auditor General had asked for.
You stated that the accountability was really the departments' accountability. But the Auditor General believes it is the Treasury Board's accountability. As it says, “Before recommending that the Treasury Board approve an IT project....” Since you do approve it, it would be helpful for us, when you're presenting your flow chart, to show us where, at what portion, you approve or disapprove or challenge the department, to make us familiar with how that flow takes place, what template you use for a business case, and how well that business case is there.
I know it's the departments' job to do it, but how well do you challenge them that they have the capacity, the human resources, etc., to do it? As Ms. Coady and Madame Bourgeois were asking, where is that accountability? What are we doing? How are we following that bouncing ball?
So it would really help us to have that, and I hope we can get something from you.
You have 30 seconds to say a final word, if you have one, before I go to our next set of witnesses.