All right. I appreciate that.
Look, I've only been in politics a little over a year--a year and two weeks--and I feel that when we go around the table there's a lot of “gotcha” politics. That seems to be the tenor. While some people might laugh and scoff at that, I would suggest to you that in taking this as seriously as I do....
I come from a 30-year business background, so I look at balance sheets and I understand them. I haven't read your 47-page report yet, but I think I'll probably get it, and I think I have some sense of that.
Mr. Martin made a comment, and I'd like to acknowledge it. I guess he was crediting the Government of Canada, through the Federal Accountability Act, for creating the role of the PBO, but I don't want to do that kind of “gotcha” politics. What I want to ask you, if I can--and again, I'm going to reflect on some of his comments, because I think inappropriate comments or thrown out comments without responses aren't fair--do you have any evidence that in relation to the information you are getting and will be getting from the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, there's any hanky-panky going on here?