Thank you very much, Mr. Parliamentary Secretary Gourde.
My questions, too, will be about recruitment.
Before I begin, I would like to say to you, Ms. Barrados and the witnesses who are here with us, that I am new to this committee; I am only here for a while. Nevertheless, I extend my greetings and welcome you.
I normally sit on the Standing Committee on Official Languages. The last study dealt specifically with recruitment and the significant needs of the federal public service, particularly in terms of bilingual employees. In fact, that analogy that was used was that we needed as many employees as it takes to run a GM plant for a year. Mr. Gravelle took part in many of the proceedings on that issue. I think the need is several thousand employees each year. We know that young people are entering the Public Service, where there are bilingual jobs, but universities have not always prepared them well.
I would like to know if you have been proactive in this regard with post-secondary institutions considering the fact that you are Canada's biggest employer.