Members, we are studying today the Public Service Commission's 2008-09 audit report. We have before us Madam Barrados, who is the president of the Public Service Commission; Mr. Donald Lemaire, senior vice-president, policy branch; and Monsieur Jean Ste-Marie, acting vice-president, audit and data services.
Before we commence with Madam Barrados' speech, I'd like to make a suggestion to committee members. Over the past two meetings, we have had some concerns about time and fairness and so on. The clerk is responsible for managing the time. If you distract the clerk and he's away from here, I don't have control over the time clock, so if anyone has any urgent issues that they want to see the clerk for, please come to this side so that at least somebody is managing the clock.
If you have questions for the clerk or for the analyst, I'd appreciate it if you would come here. Just raise your hand and come over and see them so that we will not have any issues around time management. We will keep track of the time that everyone utilizes because sometimes the witnesses take a little longer to wrap up.
With that, I'd like Madam Barrados to give us her opening remarks.