I think we can decide as it moves along. I have no problem as to when it's held, but I think there are other things we can discuss. In the other meeting, Mr. Martin had questions with regard to government-owned real estate and their retrofits. This is something that we discussed in the last Parliament in this committee--the disrepair of real property in the federal government's holding.
Certainly I think we could do at least one meeting on the federal real estate property plan in conjunction with the efforts to green government operations in general, because the two are very related and do have a strong relationship. We really haven't held any type of query, especially in recent months since the sale of properties that did take place, as to what Public Works' efforts are in greening the real estate of government. I think that if we expect Canadians to respond differently and to improve their own real estate, we should lead by example in government. I think we should speak to Public Works on that part.
We may want to talk to the NCC as well, because they have a responsibility, at least here in Ottawa. Although they don't have a significant real estate holding in comparison to Public Works, they have an interesting responsibility in that whatever they do is very high profile. I just think of the discussions to improve 24 Sussex Drive or different things like this. If they're not leading by example in terms of demonstrating that the greening of real estate is important to them and to us as government, then Canadians don't have anybody to lead by example.
So it would be an interesting meeting to have, to speak with Public Works on the greening of the federal real estate holdings and possibly other aspects of that.