I think as long as the commitment to spend and the commitments that have been made in the stimulus package are actually followed through with, we will have a softer landing in the construction industry than if someone were to flip a switch tomorrow and say we're not going to spend in the future.
I haven't seen Mr. Flaherty's proposed comments, but I guess we're in a situation now where we have $56 billion in deficit and maybe it sounds like he's going to try to rein things in. I can't really comment, as I haven't seen them yet. But in terms of what it would do to our industry if someone flipped the switch tomorrow, it would be devastating to our members, who are counting on the public spend. I can't really speculate going forward what we would look like. We sort of have to play within the field that we have.
Guys, did I miss anything? No?
At the end of the day, if we didn't have the stimulus package we have today, the employment numbers that I provided to you probably would be much worse, because private industry would not plan to move ahead with their projects if the people of Canada or the Government of Canada said, “Well, we're not going to spend either.” There is definite value in the intent to spend, because private industry sees that and they say everything is going to be okay--or better than it could be without it.