I just have a comment that when you talk about shutdowns—and I think Larry touched on this too—we have a concern. The way everything's happening right now in the turn is actually providing a skilled workforce. The upcoming shutdowns are going to require a huge workforce and a skilled workforce that right now, because of the current downturn, we've lost. They've gone to look for jobs in other sectors or other provinces. So to fill those needs is going to also be a challenge.
We'll bring people in from other provinces, but as well we're looking to bring in some workers, if possible, from the U.S., and to try to deal with foreign credentials that way. It's great that we're talking about the here and now with infrastructure, but we also have to look at the long term, and that is a skills issue. It is loss of apprentices, it's the loss of the workforce. That skilled workforce may not come back because they'll find other employment elsewhere or in another sector. It is hard, in many ways. You can plan, but you also need to plan the workforce issue, and that is a bit harder to calculate because you don't know if you're going to get them to return.