On a point of order, please, Mr. Chair, I've made it really clear, as the new member of the committee, that my objective in this is to have thoughtful dialogue with our guests who are present. I think we've been doing fairly well, all things considered, but then we get into what I'll graciously call slang. When we call ministers puppets or marionettes, even as a member of the opposition I would find that offensive. I don't happen to be a member of the opposition and maybe I find it a little bit more offensive.
But I would suggest to you, Mr. Chair, that this committee could be more productive if we kept to thoughtful dialogue, without slurs and that kind of implication. I don't find it helpful. I think we want to have helpful questions for our guests, without those allusions to what I would consider inappropriate name-calling and references. I would appeal to you and perhaps all our colleagues to keep this a thoughtful dialogue when we have our guests present, please.