I can tell you, from a historical point of view, that PCO has had lapses—which is unspent money from the appropriation—for a number of years. More recently, that lapse has been decreasing. In 2007, we put in place a strategic HR plan, because one of the reasons we were lapsing money is that we were not staffing as quickly as we should have been, which obviously is not good for public service renewal.
There were a number of changes to the amounts of money allocated to ministers' budgets, and we have been absorbing them with those lapsed funds. It became clear in the middle of last year, as we were looking at our mid-year review, that we were not going to be able to absorb those costs going forward, and certainly not for another new minister on top of that. For Minister Fletcher, I think it's almost $1 million, so it just became a point in time where we were concerned that we would no longer be able to manage the funding of those ministers' offices within our allocated funds.