With respect, on the comment that just because something isn't excluded means it can be included, our view is that if the communications policy allows that level of politicization of an advertising campaign, either the policy is not being complied with in requiring clear Government of Canada symbols--the communications policy and the FIP are not really being complied with--or they need a significant tightening up, because there seems to be a great deal of this transfer of the Conservative Party look and feel into government advertising.
But thank you for that.
I have a quick question for Ms. Baltacioglu.
We understand that everybody at Infrastructure has had to do double and triple duties, so we appreciate the workload you're under. But since last spring we've been looking for the dollar numbers. I notice in your handout there's a figure for advances, and then another explanation that the government will pay claims once invoices are received. I have no argument with that, although the question of an advance is now new to us.
Can you please tell us what those numbers are so far in simple dollar figures?