It would be my pleasure to do so.
There are two ways to submit projects in Quebec. First, as I mentioned, you can do so under the PRECO program, which involves putting in new waterlines in municipalities. This is a $700 million program, for which we assume half the costs and Quebec the other half.
The applications are sent to the Government of Quebec, which reviews them and approves the projects. Then, it sends the paperwork to the federal government, which accepts or rejects them. Quebec then manages the program, in Quebec. It signs agreements with the municipalities, provides the necessary funding for the projects and conducts follow-up with the municipalities.
Further, there is the Stimulus Fund. Quebec itself can propose projects. There are basically three categories: transportation projects, which basically involve infrastructure in Quebec, such as highways, cultural projects, and municipal projects which do not involve water treatment.
Quebec provides the application forms. As I indicated, they are available online and are only one page long. The federal government then quickly reviews the applications. If the federal and Quebec governments support a project, it becomes part of the agreement between the federal government and Quebec. The province of Quebec is responsible for the implementation of these projects.